As an affiliate partner of Herij Taxes.
Every Season we create new opportunities to encourage our community.
This year we are really focused on referrals, affiliates, and partners.
Each program is aimed at putting Cash Into Your Pockets! !
The only qualification we have in place is that all payable referrals must be Qualified Referrals. A qualified referral is someone that will receive a Federal refund that is positive over $800. This person(s) cannot live in your home/household. This person can be a stranger, friend, foe, or relative. Other than that, refer on!
Every year we are bound to rate contracts with our software suppliers and must adhere to their changes. This year all invoices contain standard Herij Document Preparation fees and Software usage fees based on the below chart.
$39.95 Payment Processor - Federal
$14.95 Payment Processor - State
$32 - Transmission Fee
$8 - Processing Fee